
Cookie policy and information

First-party cookies

These cookies are set by the website you’re visiting. And only that website can read them.

Third-party cookies

These cookies are set by someone other than the owner of the website you’re visiting. Some Link Group web pages may also contain content from other sites such as YouTube or Vimeo, which may set their own cookies. Also, if you share a link to a Link Group page, the service you share it on (for example, Linked-In) may set a cookie on your browser. We have no control over third-party cookies - you can turn them off, but not through us.

Session cookies

These cookies only last as long as your online session, and disappear from your computer or device when you close your browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.). On this website we use session cookies to secure the connection to your machine (https).

Persistent cookies

These cookies stay on your computer or device after your browser has been closed and last for a time specified in the cookie. On this website, we use persistent cookies for tracking and analytics, but only if you allow us to.

Strictly necessary cookies

These cookies remember your cookie preferences. Without them, we would ask for your cookie preference on every page of this website. Secure session cookies are also strictly necessary.

Advertising cookies

We do not use these, however, some websites use advertising networks to show you specially targeted adverts when you visit. These networks may also be able to track your browsing across different sites.

Other tracking technologies

Some websites use things like web beacons, clear GIFs, page tags and web bugs to understand how people are using them and to target advertising to them.

They usually take the form of a small, transparent image that is embedded in a web page or email. They work with cookies and capture data like your IP address, when you viewed the page or email, what device you were using and where you were.