Commercial loans

Financial Difficulties

Get in touch with us

We can be contacted on +353 (0)1 654 8800.

Our lines are open Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm, excluding bank holidays. We are committed to responding to all calls as quickly as possible. Due to current social restrictions and increased call activity, we ask for your understanding and patience at this time if you experience any delay. 

Click here if you require assistance

At BCMGlobal, we understand that there are many factors that might affect your financial situation.

If you’re worried that your business won’t be able to meet the next repayment or if your business is behind with its repayments, we recommend that you talk to us so we can consider the various options available to you.

Please note that BCMGlobal is servicing your loan on behalf of your Creditor i.e. the company to whom your loan is owed. From time to time processes outlined on this website will require BCMGlobal to engage with your Creditor or will refer to steps BCMGlobal is taking on behalf of your Creditor.

This section of the website deals specifically with loans issued to small and medium enterprises ('SMEs'), as defined under the Regulations on Lending to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME Regulations).

SME Loans

Our ultimate goal at BCMGlobal is to help you to resolve your financial difficulties. To do this, BCMGlobal follows the requirements of the Regulations on Lending to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, (SME Regulations) ensuring that you are offered appropriate protection and support at all times.

How BCMGlobal can help

The SME Regulations sets out the requirements that institutions must take when dealing with SMEs in or facing financial difficulties. BCMGlobal has prepared a detailed booklet for our SME customers, which can be accessed here.

We recommend that all SME customers read this information booklet carefully and contact us as soon as possible if they are in or facing financial difficulties.

A summary of the process that BCMGlobal follows is provided below:

Step 1 – Communication

Communication is the most important step for you and your business. If your business is already in arrears, or you are worried that it may soon be, please contact your designated BCMGlobal Case Manager. Alternatively, you can contact our main desk or email us at the details below:

Call: +353 (0)1 654 8800 (Mon-Fri 9am to 5.30pm, excluding bank holidays)


It would be beneficial if you could have your account details to hand when contacting us.

Once you get in touch, your BCMGlobal Case Manager can work with you to explore the different options available to your business to address your arrears. It is important that you engage fully and co-operate with us throughout this process. Failure to engage may result in you being classified as not co-operating as discussed in the information booklet.

Step 2 – Understanding your finances

Once you have contacted BCMGlobal, your designated Case Manager may recommend that you arrange to meet with us to discuss the circumstances specific to your business. Prior to the meeting you may be requested to provide certain business information to allow us to assess your financial position. The type of information we will require will depend on the nature of your business and whether you are an individual, partnership, or an unincorporated or incorporated body. The information required will typically include the following:

  1. Financial information/projections, including:
    • Most recent audited/certified accounts as appropriate
    • Current management accounts
    • Up to date list of debtors/creditors
    • Financial and cash flow projections for the next 12 months and underlying assumptions
  2. Tax information, including:
    • Tax Clearance Certificate (where appropriate)
    • Other details related to your current tax position
  3. Details of the security held over your loan(s)
  4. Current Account statements

This list is not exhaustive and depending on the type and size of your business, other information may be necessary, e.g. a Business Plan or Statement of Affairs. The information you provide should be comprehensive, up to date and should demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of your business, the environment in which your business operates and the reason for the financial difficulty.

The required information will be requested from you by your Case Manager. BCMGlobal recommends that you seek independent advice from a financial adviser or accountant. With your consent they are also welcome to attend any meetings with your BCMGlobal Case Manager.

Step 3 – Assessment

Your BCMGlobal Case Manager will examine the information provided by you to assess your situation and determine whether any alternative arrangement options are available to your business.

The criteria used to assess your financial difficulties may include:

  • Your repayment history and future repayment capacity,
  • The viability of your business
  • The total indebtedness of all relevant parties
  • Any other relevant information

We will communicate to you in writing details of the outcome of our assessment, based on the information provided by you, within 15 working days of receiving all the required information.

If we are unable to form a decision with 15 working days, we will write to you explaining the reasons why it is taking longer than 15 working days and confirmation of when the assessment will be completed.

In order for us to help you develop a long-term solution for your business it is important throughout the assessment process that you:

  • Keep us informed of any developments that will impact your business or your financial situation
  • Always make honest and full disclosures
  • Consider any third-party recommendations

Step 4 – Resolution

Having completed our assessment, BCMGlobal will then determine whether a particular alternative arrangement option would be appropriate.

It is important that you are fully aware of the implications of any alternative arrangement before you commit to it, and we recommend you seek independent legal/financial advice in this regard. It is also important that you adhere to the terms of the agreed arrangement and advise us immediately of any change to your financial situation.

Where we decline a request for an alternative arrangement, we will advise you of the reason for the decline and where possible we will continue to make every effort to work with you to put a solution in place for your business.


If you wish to submit an appeal following a credit decision or in the event of being classified as not co-operating, (where applicable), you can contact us in writing at the address below:

You must submit your appeal in writing within 20 business days of receipt of our decision.

All appeal letters should be sent to:

Customer Appeals Board
c/o Customer Relations Team
Block C, Maynooth Business Campus
W23 F854


Please note, the information provided on this website applies to customers whose loans have been sold to a third-party firm and on whose behalf BCMGlobal has been appointed to provide loan administration services.

If your loan has not been sold to a third party and remains with the originating bank, please refer to this bank's website for further details in relation to your mortgage repayment difficulties.

Please note that BCMGlobal does not own your mortgage and no new lending is currently provided by BCMGlobal.

Guidance, Booklets & Forms

BCMGlobal has a range of guidance, booklets and forms available to assist you. This can be found here.

Change of Address / Contact Details

Please use this form to notify BCMGlobal of any changes to your address or contact details.

MARP Booklet

This booklet summarises the MARP process for customers in financial difficulties that apply to loans relating to your primary residence - typically your home or your only Irish property.

Standard Financial Statement ('SFS')

The SFS is a form required as part of the MARP, and details key information such as income, expenditure and outstanding debts.

A blank version of the SFS can be downloaded here.

A Consumer Guide to Completing the Standard Financial Statement (SFS) SFS can be downloaded here.

Should you need assistance in understanding any of this guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Information Booklet for SMEs

This booklet outlines the steps BCMGlobal will take when dealing in financial difficulties and the support which will be provided by us to customers in this situation.

Statement of Affairs (‘SOA’)

The Statement of Affairs is a form that is designed to provide full and clear details of a customer’s individual financial circumstances. The SOA details key information such as the income, assets and liabilities of the customer. Completing the SOA allows BCMGlobal assess a customer’s financial circumstances and identify the most appropriate solution for a customer.

Download Statement of Affairs (Excel).

Download Statement of Affairs (PDF).

New Variable Rate Policy Statements

Contact us on +353 (0)1 654 8800

Our lines are open Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm, excluding bank holidays. We are committed to responding to all calls as quickly as possible. Due to current social restrictions and increased call activity, we ask for your understanding and patience at this time if you experience any delay. 

Apply for a Temporary Repayment Arrangement